Sunday, August 4, 2013

Adios President and Sister was a pleasure

In other news, we had our last zone conference with President Bruce and his wife, I cried because we feel like such a great reign is coming to an end. I feel bummed that I didn't get more of an opportunity to get to know President Bruce but Hermana Bruce did tell me while hugging me goodbye, "I know that we will see each other again because you're friends with Kelly and so you just have another excuse to come to Orange County."
For P-day, our leaders thought it would be a good idea to hike up this hill called Cerro Dragon at five in the morning. HILL? are you kidding me!? Its more like a fechin mountain and its completely sand! So for an hour and a half hiking at a 75 degree angle was incredibly hard! We took a ton a pictures mainly because I think we all agreed that, that was the first and last time we were going to do that as a zone. The main idea was to sand board down which is basically like snow boarding but in sand, but the boards didn't work very well at all because they kept sinking too much and so we sort of just rolled/ran down the hill.
We look forward to meeting our new president and his wife. We know they'll do a tremendous job  because the Lord only calls his best to take care of his missionaries.


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